I spur of the moment went to the temple today. I was supposed to go to Circleville to look at a house, but my brother had to back out, and I didn’t want to go alone, so I cancelled. Finding my afternoon open, I hurried and scheduled an endowment session. Can I just say that I have NEVER regretted going to the temple?! This trip was no different.
There were a set of twins (boy/girl) taking out their endowments during out session. As I watched the different family members enter the chapel waiting room, I couldn’t help but smile at their excited greetings one with another. How much love and energy filled that room! This has to be exactly what it’s like to return home to Heaven, family full of excitement. I love family. It is everything. Earlier today my sister was on the phone with me telling me that I should wait to buy a summer home; that I don’t know what my future holds and that I should wait just in case this… or just in case that … And I just stopped her and asked, “How long am I supposed to wait before I begin living my life again?” I told her, “I want to live now. What am I waiting for?” This same idea pertains to family. I want my family to be whole and complete. I envision how that happens, but then I think, “What if that doesn’t happen? What if I never get married again?” I can’t wait for it to happen, but instead it is up to me to make my family feel like family again and create that vision of it that I have. I hope it happens the way I envision it. I want it to happen that way, but that doesn’t mean I put it on hold waiting for it. I keep forging ahead.
There was an elderly couple at the temple tonight. Their smiles were bright enough that I could picture them on the otherside in their full prime again. Mortality may be holding them back now, but their spirits are strong still. I could see that. Their love for each other shone brightly too. It is one of my favorite things to do while waiting in the temple – watch the couples come in and greet each other. Sometimes it stings a little, but mostly it just makes me happy to see love and kindness winning in their lives. In the temple is the best place to nurture a marriage. That makes me so happy to see people making those choices.
Every time I go to the temple I feel like the luckiest person in the world. It’s like being a stay at home mom (or dad) with your kids and you get to see all of the little details of their lives that nobody else gets to see. The little learning moments; the tender sweetness in their personalities. It’s like my little window into a world of special mysteries. The temple feels that way to me. I am so glad I go!
Forever grateful!