We will never EARN our Savior’s love. We cannot. He simply loves because He chooses to love. He has already chosen to love regardless of our actions and feelings. I think this is what happens in healthy marriages and strong friendships, too. People choose to love in advance regardless of the situation, regardless of what may come. This is safety and stability.
When I step back from my life and observe it, it baffles me at the amount of time and energy I spend and have spent trying to convince people that I am worthy of their love. Why do I do this? Love is not something I earn, it is something someone else chooses to give. The only thing I can do is allow somebody to know me; I cannot convince anybody to love me, they must choose that. I have no control over it, and therefore should not spend my time and energy lingering in a delicate emotional state over it. It is difficult to understand, but it does not define my worth.
The Savior sets the perfect example of love as He endlessly loves us through all of our weaknesses and flaws, through our triumphs and defeats. He has chosen to love from the very beginning. That does not change.
Forever grateful for a loving Savior who shows me the way.