Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with distinct thoughts in my mind. They usually feel urgent and important, so I write them down. Often, when I wake in the morning, I’ve almost completely forgotten what they were, only remembering that I wrote something down. Sometimes, when I reread them, they are a surprise. Here were my middle of the night thoughts from yesterday:
Remember the 10 Virgins? … Don’t be stupid!!! This is a time to become more holy, not less. Can’t afford to just survive it. Need to cling to the Savior. Remember the understanding of signs – to lead kids during chaotic times. Cling to Him 100%. Only to Him! Don’t be stupid.
The 10 Virgins was a reference to a moment in the most recent General Conference that strongly impacted me.
The reference to understanding signs is based on an experience I had while in temple.
I don’t always know the meaning of things, but often I can feel it. I am so grateful for a God who knows me and loves me and will find ways to calm my troubled mind. I love that He gently leads me towards the best of all things and will walk with me wherever I am when my heart is right.
Forever grateful.