I went to work this morning. I usually don’t work Saturdays but I did today. My boss lady has been big into personality tests lately and had me look one up. The very first question it asked was “Do you strive for perfection?” I stared at it while my brain fired in a bazillion different directions:
“In certain situations.”
“Who wouldn’t?!”
“Why wouldn’t I?!”
“Of course I do!” was my final declarative thought, all processed within a matter of seconds.
A previous personality test I had taken also confirmed that statement claiming that I was the type of person who liked to have her outfits all pulled together. Yeah. Sometimes. Mostly. In certain situations. Who wouldn’t want them pulled together? Why wouldn’t I? Of course I do! The real truth is that if something is off in my outfits etc, it’s probably because I chose for it to be like that. I hate admitting it, but that’s the real type of perfectionist we are dealing with here.
So this morning when I headed to work I was in a rush. I threw on clothes, hair and makeup, ran to my closet and grabbed shoes and left for work. After work I ran to Costco to grab a couple of things for the race tonight. As I was stepping out of my car, I looked down and saw my shoes… I was wearing completely different shoes than what I thought I had on! I grabbed the wrong shoes in the mad rush this morning!
I was horrified. I took a couple steps out of my car while it processed, then turned to get back in my car. I was going to drive home, change my shoes and go back to Costco, ha ha, and I only needed to buy like 3 things! Luckily my brain fired up with “What the Crazy?! What is wrong with you?! Suck it up. They look fine enough anyway. Nobody even gives a crap about your shoes.”
So I did. I recognized the crazy in it and sucked it up and made only 1 trip to Costco. I hated every second of it, but I did it. (I’m laughing at myself right now – dang crazy!)
The irony in it was that as I was at work today I was contemplating how much I have enjoyed working and how it has taught me that it is okay to make mistakes – that I didn’t need to be perfect, that perfection could be a process, something you strive for but make a mess of as you learn and grow towards it. So glad that I can continue striving toward getting the right shoes on before work each day! Ha ha.