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The Funny Truth of My Talents

Disclaimer: This was originally meant to be a funny blog entry, but as I went about writing it, other things just naturally developed. When this natural flow happens in my writing, I never reject it, I always run with it, so please forgive me if this entry seems a little jumbled. I am still developing my talents. 😉

It is interesting how the Lord blesses people with different talents. It’s so super fun. We are all so different and capable of different things. I think often times we don’t even realize the depth of the potential of our talents. I think that’ll be one of the many amazing discoveries we will get to experience in the after life. I don’t think that talents are just for joy, although, men are that they might have joy and they certainly contribute to that, but I think they have a higher purpose that we easily overlook and don’t always understand, one that extends into our post mortal functioning.

Wait. As I am rereading this, I realize I am wrong about something. Hang on. . . Okay, it’s my statement, “I don’t think talents are just for joy.” That is wrong. Talents ARE completely for our joy. That is Heavenly Father’s love and gift to us. He gives them to us for the purpose of joy and joy alone. Sometimes they function together to better enhance an experience or production or project that can seem like work and not so much joy at the time, but ultimately they pull together to allow for the most joy possible for everyone, if that makes sense. What will be enhanced in the post mortal existence is the depth and development of those talents, allowing for a more full joy than we can yet experience. It is all about joy, I was wrong.

Now that that is settled … I’m going to move on to telling the couple of stories that illustrate this:

The other day my daughter was telling me how all of her friends are so super talented. She shared how one of her friends had just competed in a singing competition. She went on describing watching it and what it was like and then added, “I was just so happy for her!” Remember how I have mentioned before in a previous blog of the Spirit testifying of truth in all situations? … well, this was one of them for my daughter. She got to witness (in its religious sense of the word) the truth of her friend’s talent and felt that witness inside of her and manifested it as, “I was just so happy for her!” Her friend’s talent brought her joy. That is truth. Joy is truth.

My dad came to visit the other day. It was on a Thursday. He stayed at my house that night. The next morning I had to get my kids to school and get myself to work. So as I woke and began my morning rush, I noticed my dad was already up just chillin’ at the breakfast table. I lazily chit-chatted with him as I hurried kids around, getting them ready for school. He declined my offer for breakfast, claiming it was too early for him to eat still, but said he was going to run into town to get some coffee.

I finished my rush with kids, took them to school and came back home. As I am walking into my house, again, I find him at the breakfast table, just chillin. This time, though, his face is all lit up with amusement, and he is laughing.

“What?” I ask him. “What are you laughing at?”

“This!” he exclaims, spreading his arms out to gesture to the breakfast table. “How did you do all of this in such a short amount of time?!”

I look across the breakfast table a little confused. It’s a mess, littered with plates of half eaten pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, fried potatoes (those were for Jentri – she loves them), orange slices, milk cups, and the butter and syrup were still out.

“What do you mean?” I ask him, still a little confused.

“When I left, you were just getting the kids up. They weren’t dressed or ready for school, and nobody had eaten breakfast yet. I leave just to get a cup of coffee and come back and you have them fed with all of this and to school on time,” he explains. “Mom’s definitely have a talent for this stuff,” he says while still laughing.

I’m glad that my “talents” can bring such joy (or maybe it’s simply amusement) to my dad. Ha ha.

Forever grateful.

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