While reading the passages about marriage (Matthew 19, Mark 10) one phrase sticks out to me: “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”
In marriage, God joins the two of you. If God didn’t join you, it’s not really marriage, at least not according to His law.
We don’t join ourselves. We don’t control it. Sometimes we think we do, but we don’t. He does. And we don’t transcend His work.
Marriage, according to the Lord’s plan, is beyond beautiful! I can clearly see how it would be the highest law. The potential that exists within a man and woman becoming one is like … I’m not sure I can find the right words for it … rocket fuel? Fireworks? … I keep coming back to explosive terms, ha ha. It is something that goes beyond anything that it could have been individually, so powerful and strong, an unstoppable force. And the work that can be done and accomplished as one unified has got to be so magnificent and fulfilling … I don’t think I have ever experienced that feeling – I can only imagine it. But to create worlds and spirits, the massive organization of it all, the work that is to be done in that highest glory … through that accomplished marriage relationship is the ONLY way it can be done. It makes perfect sense to me.
So married (in its technical sense) or not, the creative work within that highest glory can’t be achieved without a truly healthy, have become one with each other, unity joined by God. It’s black and white. There is nothing more to it. It’s simply impossible. Without it, you are not capable. It’s not a matter of judgement or worthiness, but a matter of function and capacity, of ability.