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Taking Care of Me – It Matters, I Matter

Something I’ve been learning lately in my life is really how important it is that I take care of myself. I’m not good at it yet. I still need a lot of work. I allow myself to get caught up in the demands and allow myself to think and believe that there is not time for me. That is a lie.

The fact of the matter is that when I take care of myself properly, I am much more productive. So even though I technically have less time to get my tasks done, I can work more quickly and more efficiently – which makes me more happy in return.

Here is how I take care of myself: (I’m telling you so I can remind myself. Ha ha.)

Prayer and scripture study. Always, always the Lord grounds me and gives me perspective. This needs to be a morning and evening routine for me. I have to FEEL that gratitude.

Exercise. I am like a dog – I need to be ran. I am happiest when I have worked so hard that I am exhausted. To me, hard work = happiness. Let’s get sweaty.

Gardening. Pulling a weed … satisfying. I don’t know why, it just is. Planting flowers … the best! Tonight I started some flower seeds in peat pellets. There is something about taking the time to gently fold the soil over those tender little seeds, water, then wait and watch that lights me up inside. It’s like the anticipation of Christmas morning for a little kid.

Sleep. I want to get better at getting myself to bed at a decent time. I don’t usually need a lot of sleep, 5 hours or so and an occasional small 20 minute cat nap is what works best for me. But I don’t like staying up late trying to get work done. It is so unproductive for me. My brain literally shuts off intellectually around 9. It just checks out, so any activity after that is all nonsense. I might as well go to bed and get back at it early in the morning.

I need to design myself a morning and evening routine (I resist this a little because I often resist routine and like to shake things up a bit, but for this cause, I think I need to follow through). And I need to find a happy balance of taking care of me and getting work done. I matter to me. I need to let myself believe that.

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